Into the Fields Sponsor Organizations
How many interns can my organization apply for?
Sponsors can apply for one to two interns. We limit the maximum of interns to 2 so that we can ensure a diverse cohort of sponsor organizations.
What is the cost to host an intern?
SAF utilizes a sliding scale fee based on the size of your organization's farmworker outreach budget or applicable program budget. If you have concerns about your organization's ability to pay, please reach out to discuss alternatives with us. The expected contribution is based per intern.
Can you tell me more about the theater and documentary projects?
In addition to working full-time at a farmworker organization, SAF interns work on one of the following projects:
Documentary students will get to know a group of workers more in depth by conducting participatory documentary projects with workers to document their lives through photography, writing, and artwork. Students and workers will reflect on the documentary work together in discussions using popular education. Check out the documentary projects from the past years.
Theater students will perform a skit to initiate dialogue among farmworkers and to mobilize them to come up with solutions to the issues they face. Performances take place in labor camps in the Piedmont and eastern NC and address issues important to workers; the 2023 topics are current issues like heat stress and COVID. Read more about our theater work here.
Sponsors are not responsible for executing these projects, but should allow students time to work on them during the summer.Staff will reach out to organizations individually to talk about potential hosting or collaboration on these projects.
How are interns selected?
SAF has an intensive process for intern selection that involves interviewing every intern and considering the skills and attributes that sponsors have requested as well as the overall cohort. Interns are selected by a committee made of SAF staff, board, and former program participants, and SAF will match intern(s) with your organization. It is important that you set up a time to talk with your intern(s) before the summer starts to identify any concerns in case changes need to be made prior to the start of the program.
What are site visits?
They are typically in-person meetings that allow an ITF Program Assistant or staff to sit down and check in on interns’ progress in the first half of the summer in order to assess any changes that need to be made for the second half. These visits typically take place at organizations’ office or work place and can be a great opportunity for us to see your work in action as well.
What are sponsor meetings? When and where do they take place?
Sponsor meetings are virtual monthly meetings where we share important information, provide a space to collaborate with other sponsors, and get feedback on the internship process. Typically, meetings are on a weekday morning, but specific dates and times will be determined based on availability of all sponsors.
What is the expectation of interns coming into the office?
Sponsors have the flexibility of deciding when interns come into the office; this can include having a fully remote internship.