Throughout my time as a Solidaridad intern, I was reinforced in how labor, citizenship status, and health access contribute to the progress of immigrant communities and the urgent need for policy implementation to protect individuals working in spaces such as farmwork.
SAF provided me the opportunity to be more interactive with my interests in labor advocacy, going beyond what academia often provides, and supported me in attending a conference where the majority of individuals were workers organizing against their employers for fair, safe, and equitable working environments. While not everyone originated from farm working backgrounds, many shared similar challenges and inequities such as the prevalence of sexual harassment, dangerous working conditions, and wage theft. It showed me how when one uplifts and supports one community, you will also benefit from that community's wellbeing, creating and growing spaces filled with empathy and mutual support.
I became more knowledgeable about the resources that farmworkers have in North Carolina as well as the protections they lack. I learned from different panelists what it is like being an organizer and advocate. I was able to hear about the personal stories of farmworkers and host an exhibit and farmworkers' events on my college campus. It was very rewarding to see how even as I was putting up the exhibit and taking it down, students stopped by to view it and ask questions.
With these experiences, I found myself taking SAF's message of uniting for just living and working conditions for farmworkers by speaking out in my classes when I found a topic related to farmwork. During a lobbying trip with a Duke student organization, I was able to further advocate for the needs of farmworker communities to my representatives.
In the end, I found that being part of Student Action for Farmworkers reaffirmed my commitment to public service, filling my mind and heart for my farmworker community. As time passes, I hope to see myself continuing to advocate for farmworkers and sharing these desires for justice and equity with others.
Written by: Carolina Mendez, Solidaridad intern 2023