Evelyn Archer-Taminger, SAF Solidaridad intern

I have learned so much this year working for Student Action with Farmworkers. I look back and am shocked by how much I didn't know about migrant workers, agricultural work, and the food system in America before my time as a Solidaridad intern. Thank you SAF for teaching me about farmworker advocacy!
I have also gained crucial skills through my time as an intern here. I have grown as an organizer and I know so much more about the ins and outs of nonprofit work. Practical skills I learned through SAF will be instrumental in my career as a pastor. I hope that my experience with SAF will continue to inform my interaction with both religious and secular nonprofits for the entirety of my career.
But perhaps my favorite memories of SAF came right at the end of my time in this organization. Solidaridad began gathering in person, sitting outdoors with masks on, in order to foster greater community. Covid-19 has been so taxing on everyone's ability to form community, so I was so glad to get a chance to get to know my coworkers better by meeting in person safely. I have so much respect and love for each of them! I cannot wait to see what we all do in the future.
I want to say a special thank you to my supervisor Victoria for supporting me, and the rest of the staff for teaching me so much along the way. Thank you to my fellow interns for being such a support to yourselves and to me. I will miss you all so much!