WHILE BEING IN LEVANTE I learned a lot of things being a part of something makes you feel good, I was able to participate more with people, interact with them I'm not a social person but in Levante you're welcomed and you feel more safe to open up
during the time I was there I liked how people will work together and interact with one another to get work done, learning about people while working in groups, the times we would have games and know more about each other was nice. You don't see that as much these days
my participation in SAF impacted me because i got to see something that i didn't really see in this generation, it changed me because i realized how much people need others, being able to see that we have a lot of opportunities in life and that i need to be able to take advantage of it, noticing how many of hispanic kids are able to make it out and show their parents that it's possible is what impacted me seeing the special guest being kids of immigrant parents who came to have a better life
it changed me to see more ahead that if i have a goal in life, to look more ahead from it because its possible if we put our heart to it, I learned many things in this program about myself and my community
I learned that I need to be more open, that I need to be able to speak up for myself because being Hispanic having brown skin will take me down if I don't speak up, but I also learned that anything is possible if you put your mind into it and put your heart into it
learning about my community made me see the world in a different way, it made me see that while being here we need to make sure that our hispanic community gets help there's many people struggling and there's a lot of changes the world needs
talking about my community, we need to be able to give benefits to those who don't have a lot of stuff, i knew the hispanic community struggled there's many who do such as: doctor appointments, dentist appointments, money, speaking english, insurance
many hispanics don't speak english and have trouble understanding what others say when they are at appointments. Levente shows and prepares latinos the way to be able to get more, to be able to see more ahead from what we set ourselves up to
levante makes us look to dig more and keep going because we can do it and if we feel like we cant they are sure to be there for us to help us. Aside from all that, I learned a lot of stuff while being in Levante and I hope next time I can get accepted again and learn more stuff!