After graduating with a Bachelor's in Mathematics and Biology, along with a minor in Art and Chemistry, I found myself facing my first summer without academic commitments. I decided to apply for the Into the Fields internship and was offered a position with the South Carolina Department of Education. Initially, I had hoped to work at a health clinic, as it aligned more closely with my goals at the time. However, given my previous experience working with migrant students, I chose to accept the position. That decision proved to be a pivotal moment in shaping my career path.
The internship provided me with invaluable experiences and allowed me to connect with other participants who shared similar backgrounds, struggles, and aspirations. During that summer, I worked alongside Sinai and Nati. Though we were at different stages in our educational journeys, we supported one another’s growth as young professionals. By working with them and experienced recruiters, I gained confidence, became more vocal, and developed a deeper passion for the work I do.

Inspired by my experience with SAF, I applied and interviewed for a teaching position during my internship and started my newfound career the day after I completed my internship. What I thought would be a one-year commitment evolved into a lifelong career. The SAF program made me confident enough to be an educator, by showing me the impact I could have on those I taught. Our English classes were crucial for farmworkers, and the joy we brought to our migrant students is something I strive to replicate every day in my classroom.
Now in my fourth year as an educator, I teach at Okapilco, where I integrate my love for mathematics, biology, and art while embracing my cultural heritage. My classroom has become a space of encouragement and inspiration for students, and I’m proud to have 450+ alumni. Each day, I continue to grow, learn, and refine my teaching to better serve my students.

While teaching, I earned a Master's in Education for Middle Grades Science. In addition, I also currently work as a mathematics tutor at Coastal Plains High School. I am also involved in community service projects through the Lions Club of Moultrie, helping fund eye exams and glasses for those in need. Each summer, I volunteer as an interpreter with the Georgia Farmworkers Health Project, providing free healthcare to migrant and seasonal workers. I continue to apply what I’ve learned through my experience with SAF to actively contribute to and support my community. I am beyond thankful for my experience.

*Magnolia participated in SAF's Into the Fields summer internship in 2021.