We are thrilled to announce the 2023-2024 Solidaridad cohort! Solidaridad is SAF's academic year internship for college students. Five students will meet weekly to participate in workshops and field trips and support SAF’s work. They will learn about farmworkers and explore their own role in advocating for better conditions for workers.
Nestor Tellez* - University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Genesis Ramirez* - North Carolina State University
Carolina Mendez - UNC - Chapel Hill and Duke University
Ana Quirino - North Carolina State University
Nancy García Villa - UNC - Chapel Hill and Duke University
*Nestor and Genesis participated with SAF as high school students; we’re excited to welcome them back!
We encourage you read their blogs, where they share more about their personal, academic backgrounds, as well as their interests and goals for their time here at SAF.
Also check out their individual posts on social media where they share what their motivation for being a part of the farmworker justice movement is. Check them out on Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn.