– Joanna Welborn
SAF Communications Arts Director

On a recent outreach visit to a labor camp in eastern NC, Farm Labor Organizing Committee organizer Maria Mejia checked in with workers about union business and how they're doing and gave out late Father's Day treats. SAF intern Rachel Scrudato interviewed two worker leaders about why they're part of the union and how they think worker organizing can improve conditions for farmworkers.

Asked why he's not afraid of participating in the movement, Luis said, "I am demanding my rights, for my rights to be respected… all I want is to have rights.”

Jorge shared this message for all workers: "It doesn’t have to continue being like this… Don’t be silent… Know your rights, come to FLOC so you learn your rights, because many workers don’t know their rights, and then they are afraid. They are afraid to do something else, they are afraid to talk. Don’t be afraid.”